Category: wiki

  • How to make Square Race Game?

    You can share your own level designs for the Scratch-based Square Race game on the SquareRace.Online platform by following these steps:

    1. Visit SquareRace.Online to check out past levels.
    2. Open the Demo level on Scratch:
    3. Sign up for a Scratch account and modify the Demo level.
    4. Design your own level and share the project.
    5. Go to to submit your level design ideas.
    6. After review by SquareRace.Online administrators, you can play your level on SquareRace.Online.
    7. Us For All, All For Us!

    Scratch Platfrom

    Scratch is a popular graphical programming tool developed by the MIT Media Lab. It is particularly suitable for beginners, especially children, as it offers an intuitive drag-and-drop programming environment. Users can create games, animations, and interactive stories by combining different programming blocks. Scratch programming is based on block thinking, covering aspects such as motion, looks, sound, events, control, sensing, operators, variables, and data.

    SquareRace.Online Website

    SquareRace.Online is an online gaming platform focused on providing relaxing and stress-relieving gaming experiences. Players can experience various Square Race game levels here, which have no time limits and are perfect for unwinding in the evening. Players don’t need to manually control the character; they just need to input the number of blocks and click start. The character will automatically move through the maze and change direction when hitting walls. Additionally, players can design their own levels and submit them on SquareRace.Online to share with others.